Birds of prey. Boasts some of the most glamorous big birds among its members.
Besra near the Bhadra wildlife sanctuary.
Besra,Besra near the Bhadra wildlife sanctuary.
Short-toed Snake Eagle
Short-toed Snake Eagle flying over my uncle's farm near Mysore.
Eagle,Short-toed Snake Eagle flying over my uncle's farm near Mysore.
Grey-Headed Fish- Eagle
Grey-headed Fishing Eagle at Kanha National Park.
Eagle,Grey-headed Fishing Eagle at Kanha National Park.
Oriental Honey Buzzard (Female)
This female, possibly looking for prey, perched on the top of a mango tree on a clear monsoon morning
Honey Buzzard,This female, possibly looking for prey, perched on the top of a mango tree on a clear monsoon morning
Palm-nut Vulture (Juvenile)
Pallas's Fish Eagle
Fish Eagle,
Great Sparrowhawk
Brahminy Kite (Adult)
Eurasian Marsh Harrier
This Marsh Harrier, perched near the road, was surveying the landscape for a hunt when we stopped to take a closer look. Just when he was getting comfortable with our presence an auto-rickshaw showed up, honked incessantly, and made him fly away.
Harrier,This Marsh Harrier, perched near the road, was surveying the landscape for a hunt when we stopped to take a closer look. Just when he was getting comfortable with our presence an auto-rickshaw showed up, honked incessantly, and made him fly away.
Himalayan Vulture
Wanted to include this picture just to show how much bigger Himalayan Vultures are compared to crows.
Vulture,Wanted to include this picture just to show how much bigger Himalayan Vultures are compared to crows.
Red-headed Vulture
The highlight of this trip was spotting four different species of vulture devouring a carcass of a spotted deer. Three of those were lifers for me.
Vulture,The highlight of this trip was spotting four different species of vulture devouring a carcass of a spotted deer. Three of those were lifers for me.
Long-crested Eagle
Brahminy Kite (Juvenile)
Himalayan Vulture (In flight)
This was part of a large flock -or is it a kettle - of vultures that was circling the skies over Phobjikha grasslands, displaying their awe-inspiring wingspans. The numbers indicated that this was a very healthy ecosystem.
Vulture,This was part of a large flock -or is it a kettle - of vultures that was circling the skies over Phobjikha grasslands, displaying their awe-inspiring wingspans. The numbers indicated that this was a very healthy ecosystem.
White-bellied Sea Eagle (In flight)
As they made repeated trips from their nest to the sea, I even got to photograph them in flight.
Sea Eagle,As they made repeated trips from their nest to the sea, I even got to photograph them in flight.
Himalayan Vulture
Vultures belonging to three separate species - Himalayan, Red-headed & Egyptian - converge on a spotted deer carcass, presumably killed by a tiger the previous night, in Corbett National Park.
Vulture,Vultures belonging to three separate species - Himalayan, Red-headed & Egyptian - converge on a spotted deer carcass, presumably killed by a tiger the previous night, in Corbett National Park.
Cinereous Vulture
Black-shouldered Kite (Flight)
Lesser Fishing Eagle
We see these eagles every time we visit Galibore. This magnificent individual had just returned wet, presumably from a very recent fishing sortie, and was drying its feathers on a dry branch by the ricer bank.
Eagle,We see these eagles every time we visit Galibore. This magnificent individual had just returned wet, presumably from a very recent fishing sortie, and was drying its feathers on a dry branch by the ricer bank.
Egyptian Vulture (Juvenile)
Juvenile Egyptian Vulture scavenging outside a semi-urban settlement near Mathura. The juveniles have brownish plumage around the head which turns white eventually. The grey legs turn pink in the adult.
Vulture,Juvenile Egyptian Vulture scavenging outside a semi-urban settlement near Mathura. The juveniles have brownish plumage around the head which turns white eventually. The grey legs turn pink in the adult.
Booted Eagle (Pale Morph)
Himalayan Vulture
Four Griffon vultures sat on the ridge of a small hill by the side of the road on the way to Hanle village.
Vulture,Four Griffon vultures sat on the ridge of a small hill by the side of the road on the way to Hanle village.
Indian Vulture
Indian Vulture (formerly known as the long-billed vulture) on a tree top at the entrance of the Bandhavgarh national park. Once a regular sight everywhere in India this species has been all but wiped out through the use of the banned Diclofenac in veterinary treatment of cattle. Has been classified as Critically Endangered (CR) by IUCN.
Vulture,Indian Vulture (formerly known as the long-billed vulture) on a tree top at the entrance of the Bandhavgarh national park. Once a regular sight everywhere in India this species has been all but wiped out through the use of the banned Diclofenac in veterinary treatment of cattle. Has been classified as Critically Endangered (CR) by IUCN.
Egyptian Vulture (in flight)
Egyptian Vulture flying over the granite rocks of Ramanagara. Shot from our farm.
Vulture,Egyptian Vulture flying over the granite rocks of Ramanagara. Shot from our farm.
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
The orange iris does make me suspect that this might be a wrong ID. However, I could rule out Besra and Shikra based on the sharp horizontal stripes across the chest.
Sparrowhawk,The orange iris does make me suspect that this might be a wrong ID. However, I could rule out Besra and Shikra based on the sharp horizontal stripes across the chest.
Shikra (juvenile)
A juvenile Shikra
Shikra,A juvenile Shikra
Crested Serpent Eagle
Crested Serpent Eagle in Bandipur.
Eagle,Crested Serpent Eagle in Bandipur.
Crested or Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Pale morph, in flight)
Bald Eagle
Probably male, perched on the tallest tree on the shore.
Eagle,Probably male, perched on the tallest tree on the shore.
Grey-Headed Fish- Eagle
Black-shouldered Kite
Oriental Honey Buzzard (In flight)
Honey Buzzard flying over a highway on the Konkan coast.
Honey Buzzard,Honey Buzzard flying over a highway on the Konkan coast.
Shikra (Juvenile)
Crested Serpent Eagle (Juvenile)
Black Kite (In flight)
Black Kite photographed from Sadashivgad fort near Karwar.
Kite,Black Kite photographed from Sadashivgad fort near Karwar.
White-backed Vulture
Has a "Near Threatened" status.
Vulture,Has a "Near Threatened" status.
African Fish Eagle
Black Kite
Scavenging raptor that has become a regular feature in Indian cities.
Kite,Scavenging raptor that has become a regular feature in Indian cities.
Himalayan Vulture
Long-legged Buzzard
A Long-legged Buzzard surveying its options for the next hunt from the river bank.
Buzzard,A Long-legged Buzzard surveying its options for the next hunt from the river bank.
Eastern Chanting Goshawk
White-eyed Buzzard
Hooded Vulture
Yet another old-world vulture. This one was waiting for a hyena to finish his mail so that it could then clean up the scraps.
Vulture,Yet another old-world vulture. This one was waiting for a hyena to finish his mail so that it could then clean up the scraps.
White-bellied Sea Eagle
This is one half of a pair of White-bellied Sea-eagles that nested on a tree right next to the resort we were staying in. It was an absolute privilege to be able to watch them at eye level, as they went about doing their day.
Sea Eagle,This is one half of a pair of White-bellied Sea-eagles that nested on a tree right next to the resort we were staying in. It was an absolute privilege to be able to watch them at eye level, as they went about doing their day.
Montagu's Harrier
Crested or Changeable Hawk-Eagle
Greater Spotted Eagle
Greater spotted Eagle flying high over the Mangroves in Mumbai.
Eagle,Greater spotted Eagle flying high over the Mangroves in Mumbai.
Lappet-faced Vulture
African Fish Eagle
African Fish Eagle scanning its quarry by the edge of the lake in Amboseli.
Eagle,African Fish Eagle scanning its quarry by the edge of the lake in Amboseli.
African Harrier-hawk
Egyptian Vulture (Adult)