Ranganathittu, Mysore
Bird sanctuary on the edge of Mysore town
White-Breasted Waterhen
Asian Openbill Stork (Breeding)
Oriental Darter
Also called a snakebird because of its long neck.
Darter,Also called a snakebird because of its long neck.
Great Thick-knee
Great Thick-knee on a rock in Ranganthittu. Largish wader found on the banks of freshwater bodies.
Thick-knee,Great Thick-knee on a rock in Ranganthittu. Largish wader found on the banks of freshwater bodies.
Common Spoonbill
Black-crowned Night Heron
Nocturnal and migratory. This individual was in the shade about to retire for the day.
Heron,Nocturnal and migratory. This individual was in the shade about to retire for the day.
Streak-throated or Indian Cliff Swallow
A few hundred of these swallows were flitting around under a rock. Looked like some of them were chicks being fed by the adults.
Swallow,A few hundred of these swallows were flitting around under a rock. Looked like some of them were chicks being fed by the adults.
River Tern (Adult)
Regular features in the water bodies of the Indian subcontinent.
Tern,Regular features in the water bodies of the Indian subcontinent.