Horned Lark (longirostris)
Brandt's or Black-headed Mountain Finch
Mountain Finch,
Great Rosefinch (♂)
Himalayan Vulture
Four Griffon vultures sat on the ridge of a small hill by the side of the road on the way to Hanle village.
Vulture,Four Griffon vultures sat on the ridge of a small hill by the side of the road on the way to Hanle village.
Red-tailed Wheatear
Eurasian Eagle-owl
Common Merganser
Blanford's or Plain-backed Snowfinch (Adult)
This Blanford's finch took the effort to wear a matching broach before it came to the field to forage on a cold Ladakhi morning.
Snowfinch,This Blanford's finch took the effort to wear a matching broach before it came to the field to forage on a cold Ladakhi morning.