Dochula, Bhutan

Dochula is itself not a birding location. Many of the birds tagged here were either shot on the road near the Dochula pass or at the botanical garden in Lamperi.

White-throated Laughingthrush

Found this individual in a mixed flock that was scavenging behind a cafe where we had stopped for refreshments.

Laughingthrush,Found this individual in a mixed flock that was scavenging behind a cafe where we had stopped for refreshments.

Rufous-breasted Accentor

This accentor was foraging for worms behind a cafe at Dochula, seemingly impervious to me and a bunch of other birders that were trying to photograph it.

Accentor,This accentor was foraging for worms behind a cafe at Dochula, seemingly impervious to me and a bunch of other birders that were trying to photograph it.

White-tailed Nuthatch


Eurasian Jay

This Eurasian Jay revealed itself when it was calling noisily to its mate from the foliage.

Jay,This Eurasian Jay revealed itself when it was calling noisily to its mate from the foliage.

Scarlet Minivet (♂)


Blue-fronted Redstart

Shot at the botanical garden in Lamperi.

Redstart,Shot at the botanical garden in Lamperi.