Bushy Beach Rd, Otago, New Zealand
Bushy Beach Scenic Reserve near Oamaru, New Zealand, is famous for its colony of the endangered Yellow-eyed Penguin.
Common across New Zealand. This one was photographed in Bushy Beach reserve while we were waiting for the Penguins.
Silver-eye,Common across New Zealand. This one was photographed in Bushy Beach reserve while we were waiting for the Penguins.
White-fronted Tern (In flight)
While we spent an entire afternoon waiting for the yellow-eyed penguins, there was a constant procession of White-fronted terns that were presumably returning to their nests with fish in their beaks.
Tern,While we spent an entire afternoon waiting for the yellow-eyed penguins, there was a constant procession of White-fronted terns that were presumably returning to their nests with fish in their beaks.
Yellow-eyed Penguin
Photographed in a place called Bushy Beach Reserve in Otago, New Zealand. The viewing gallery is on a 100-ft high cliff that overlooks the beach. Hence the poor quality picture.
Penguin,Photographed in a place called Bushy Beach Reserve in Otago, New Zealand. The viewing gallery is on a 100-ft high cliff that overlooks the beach. Hence the poor quality picture.