Bandipur, Karnataka

One of the largest tiger reserves in the country, Bandipur is a convenient 6 hr drive from Bangalore.

Crested Serpent Eagle

Crested Serpent Eagle in Bandipur.

Eagle,Crested Serpent Eagle in Bandipur.

Red Spurfowl

Red Spurfowl - record shot under fading light.

Spurfowl,Red Spurfowl - record shot under fading light.

Streak-throated Woodpecker


White-throated Kingfisher

While we were waiting in the safari Jeep for a sighting of a leopard, this Kingfisher offered a sideshow, picking up a juicy frog from the pond.

Kingfisher,While we were waiting in the safari Jeep for a sighting of a leopard, this Kingfisher offered a sideshow, picking up a juicy frog from the pond.

Brown Shrike (Juvenile)

Brown shrike in Bandipur

Shrike,Brown shrike in Bandipur

Asian Koel (Male)
