Old world sparrows (or true sparrows) have managed to thrive in large parts of the world. They were once common in our neighbourhoods too. I remember a family nesting in the ventilators of our kitchen in the house we grew up in. Sadly, we've managed to chase them away from our cities.
Sind Sparrow (Male)
Russet or Cinnamon Sparrow (♂)
Sind Sparrow (Female)
Kenya Rufous Sparrow
Distinguishable from the house sparrow by the rufous coloration o its supercilium and around its ears.
Sparrow,Distinguishable from the house sparrow by the rufous coloration o its supercilium and around its ears.
Chestnut-shouldered Petronia (♀)
Rufous-tailed Weaver
Yet another species that's comfortable around humans. This couple was shot in the Naabi hill inside Serengeti.
Weaver,Yet another species that's comfortable around humans. This couple was shot in the Naabi hill inside Serengeti.
House Sparrow (Male)
Blanford's or Plain-backed Snowfinch (Adult)
This Blanford's finch took the effort to wear a matching broach before it came to the field to forage on a cold Ladakhi morning.
Snowfinch,This Blanford's finch took the effort to wear a matching broach before it came to the field to forage on a cold Ladakhi morning.
Chestnut-shouldered Petronia (♂)