
The distinguishing characteristic in birds of this family is the presence of bristles around a thick beak. Might be hard to spot them in the foliage but you can hear them from miles away.

Blue-throated Barbet

Blue-throated Barbet at a park in Tezpur, Assam.

Barbet,Blue-throated Barbet at a park in Tezpur, Assam.

Small Green or White-cheeked Barbet

The fruits on the Singapore cherry tree are a favourite for the White-cheeked Barbet.

Barbet,The fruits on the Singapore cherry tree are a favourite for the White-cheeked Barbet.

Coppersmith Barbet


Malabar Barbet

Malabar Barbets sound and behave a lot like Coppersmiths. You'll see them perched on treetops sending out their metallic calls relentlessly.

Barbet,Malabar Barbets sound and behave a lot like Coppersmiths. You'll see them perched on treetops sending out their metallic calls relentlessly.

Brown-headed or Large Green Barbet
