
Small to medium-sized birds of prey that kill with their beaks (as opposed to Accipters that kill with their talons)

Black Caracara


Common Kestrel (In flight)


Laughing Falcon


Collared Falconet

This trip featured a lot of raptors and some very special ones for me. We spent a few hours perched on a machan in the forenoon inside the core zone of the park, and this enterprising Collared Falconet landed on a nearby branch and gave us a fantastic view. This being a lifer for me made it all the more sweet.

Falconet,This trip featured a lot of raptors and some very special ones for me. We spent a few hours perched on a machan in the forenoon inside the core zone of the park, and this enterprising Collared Falconet landed on a nearby branch and gave us a fantastic view. This being a lifer for me made it all the more sweet.

African Pygmy Falcon


Peregrine Falcon


Common Kestrel

Spotted this Kestrel on top of a pine tree during our trip from Paro to Punakha

Kestrel,Spotted this Kestrel on top of a pine tree during our trip from Paro to Punakha