
Small to medium insectivores that includes the Cuckooshrikes and minivets

Large Cuckooshrike (Female)

We get a lot of Small Minivets in our farm. This monsoon, for the first time in my experience, this Large Cuckooshrike paid a visit. Perched right outside the house, it called incessantly. I had to suspend my work, come out and pay heed. Almost as if it had stopped by only to say hi, it flew away as soon as I got this one picture.

Cuckooshrike,We get a lot of Small Minivets in our farm. This monsoon, for the first time in my experience, this Large Cuckooshrike paid a visit. Perched right outside the house, it called incessantly. I had to suspend my work, come out and pay heed. Almost as if it had stopped by only to say hi, it flew away as soon as I got this one picture.

Black-headed Cuckooshrike


Black-winged or Smaller Grey Cuckooshrike


Orange Minivet (♂)


Rosy Minivet


Long-tailed Minivet (♂)

Photographed from our campsite in Tshoka on the way back from Dzongri.

Minivet,Photographed from our campsite in Tshoka on the way back from Dzongri.

Small Minivet (Male)

Male Small Minivet picking off insects from a Papaya plant.

Minivet,Male Small Minivet picking off insects from a Papaya plant.

Orange Minivet (♀)


Small Minivet (female)

Small Minivet (Female) feeding on a winged termite.

Minivet,Small Minivet (Female) feeding on a winged termite.

Small Minivet (Female)

Female Small Minivet feeding on a papaya leaf.

Minivet,Female Small Minivet feeding on a papaya leaf.

Scarlet Minivet (♂)
