This family only has the woodswallows that you usually see lined on electric wires.
Australian Magpie (tibicen or Black-backed)
This photograph is of the subspecies called Black-backed Magpie.
Magpie,This photograph is of the subspecies called Black-backed Magpie.
Ashy Woodswallow
I've mostly seen woodswallows perched on electric wires. Lucky to photograph this one resting on the ground.
Woodswallow,I've mostly seen woodswallows perched on electric wires. Lucky to photograph this one resting on the ground.
Ashy Woodswallow (in flight)
Woodswallow hovering and picking off insects over a sunflower field near Yagati.
Woodswallow,Woodswallow hovering and picking off insects over a sunflower field near Yagati.