Wallcreeper (Non-breeding)

Tichodroma muraria

This individual is sporting the non breeding plumage - lighter crimsons in the wing coverts and white throat and upper breast.

Photographed at: Tsomoriri, Ladakh on 2021-10-20

Album: Ladakh - 2021

Family: Tichodromidae

Size: 16 cms

Other Pictures of Wallcreeper


Happened to spot this in flight while we were driving near Punakha. It took us at least 15 minutes before we could spot it again as it crept up a rock face next to the road. This was the best photo I could manage. The brighter wing coverts indicate that this individual is getting into its breeding plumage.

Wallcreeper,Happened to spot this in flight while we were driving near Punakha. It took us at least 15 minutes before we could spot it again as it crept up a rock face next to the road. This was the best photo I could manage. The brighter wing coverts indicate that this individual is getting into its breeding plumage.